This week join Nigel and Kat for a great class at 8.30pm and midnight performance!
DJ Tine
More about our stars:
Nigel Smith
Nigel was born in Montreal, grew up in Canada and the US, and lives in Paris, where he dances, teaches, DJs and sings opera. He has taught tango all over Europe, as well as in Egypt, China and Australia.
Nigel says: " Tango is a language spoken all over the world, and each dance is as unique as each conversation you will ever have.
I treat the tango as a language when I dance, and when I teach. My goal is to help dancers express themselves in a personal way. I'll help you build a vocabulary, but learning new things to say is not even half of the work. In a conversation as in tango, what we say is a response to what our partner says, and vice versa. A good conversation is an two-way exchange of interesting, funny, pertinent and surprising interactions, and listening is as important as talking. The same goes in tango! So, along with steps, there's a lot of work on listening: to the music, to each other, even to ourselves."
Katherine Gorsuch's hybrid expression of tango is derived from the many dance influences in her life. Her interest began as a child, exploring various dance forms; ballet, modern dance, and flamenco. At 18, she began dancing tango in New York City. In the last year, she was partnering Robin Thomas, and has also worked with: Adam Hoopengardner, Felipe Martinez, Henry Finkelstein, and Jay Abling.
Katherine has taught at festivals in the US and in Europe and has spent the last few months teaching in Berlin. She is also one of the founding members and organizers of the Hunter College Tango Club, established in 2006. Dancing in Europe, Buenos Aires, and across the United States has contributed to Katherine's inspirational musicality and connection. She brings a youthful energy and sweet madness to the dance floor.