Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Friday Oct 30, Halloween Special, DJ Tine

On Friday Oct 30:
DJ Tine

8.30 pm class for beginners and pre-intermediate level included with admission.

Halloween Costume contest:
Prizes for the most creative, the most amusing and the smartest costumes.

Guidelines: wear something that allows you to dance freely and won't be in your way or your partner's way when you dance; also be careful with colored makeup that may rub off.

We will also give away a copy of Patrizia Chen's new novel on tango "It Takes Two", which is coming out in a few weeks. Thanks Patrizia, and good luck on your nationwide book tour! http://www.patriziachen.com/

Drink Special $6 Mojitos, Margaritas !!!
Count on us to put some lilt in your traspie.

About your DJ and host
Tine Herreman is the Tango Lounge make-it-happener, host and resident DJ. She has been DJing tango for 6 years, and has played at festivals, milongas and all nighters in the US, Canada and Europe. She organizes the Yale Tango Fest, the Tango Lounge, and co-hosts the Tango Fix and Tango Loft. She really enjoys DJing and hosting, and is happiest when everybody is having a great time.

Host Tine Herreman.
Thank you for your support.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fri Oct 23: Eric and Rebecca teach; DJ Tine. Special $6 Mojitos and Sangria

This week please welcome Eric Lindgren and Rebecca Rorick Smith (from Portland, OR).
DJ Tine plays your favorite music.
Special $6 Mojitos & Sangria to put some swing in your tango!

Rebecca Rorick Smith has been dancing all over the Northwest since 1999. She has offered tango classes through Southern Oregon University and Linfield college and helped facilitate the not-for-profit Tango Center in Eugene for many years. She has worked with the University of Oregon, Yale, and University of Michigan. In 2008 she taught in Mumbai, Bangalore, and New Delhi. Her teaching has taken her throughout the United States, England, and Canada. Rebecca has been fortunate to work with many great dancers and spend ample time in Argentina resulting in a comprehension of the dance widely respected by her peers.

Within weeks of his first tango class, Eric moved to Buenos Aires and studied tango intensively for a year; he returns regularly to take advantage of the high level of dance and exceptional instruction available in the city. Eric spent the winter of 07-08 teaching at Dance Manhattan and at Providence Tango, and the summer in Toronto. In September 2008 Eric moved to Portland, OR where he enjoys that community’s strong focus on close embrace and emotional expression. Eric has had many influences, including Daniel Trenner, Claudia Bozzo, Carlos Lobos, Rebecca Shulman, Adriana Dure, and Pablo Rodriguez.

Thank you for your support!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fri Oct 16: DJ Lampis (LA), Monica Paz (BsAs)

This Friday at the Tango Lounge, we feature exciting new talent:

DJ LAMPIS from L.A, first time featured in NYC:
Lampis aims to achieve an emotionally fulfilling evening of dancing with his music selections. He has been invited to the Denver, Portland, Houston and San Diego festivals, to San Francisco, New York and Europe, and also to special events including the Thing at Portland and the Oxygen Marathon at Los Angeles.
Some comments on Lampis page after DJing the All-Nighter part 2 at the famous Portland Tango Fest this weekend:
-Wonderful music lst night !! Thanks!
-Lampis, you rocked last night! loved your OTV tanda!
-Absolutely fabulous music the second half of the all-nighter. You had me there till 6am

MONICA PAZ returns to New York. She will teach the class at 8.30, and perform with Eduardo Goytia.
Class title TBA
Upper level
8.30pm in studio B
INCLUDED with admission

In addition to the upper level class, there are intermediate and beginners classes taught by DanceSport staff, also at 8.30 and included with admission.

We always have a drink special! Stay tuned...
We have a full bar with drinks, tapas and real food.
This event is not a BYOB event. Thank you!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fri Oct 9: DJ Lung-Kuei; John and Clarissa teach & perform

This week, join us for another great night:

DJ Lung-Kuei Lin (NYC).

Class and phenomenal performance by our stars

Performance by the Cast of the hit show TANGUERA
As a special treat, 10 dancers from Tanguera will make an appearance to give you a preview of their awesome skills. The show opens this Thursday at City Center.
Read below about winning a PAIR OF FREE TICKETS TO TANGUERA at City Center.

About our stars:
John and Clarissa are the most representative tango couple in Venezuela, as teachers and choreographers. Their versatility lets them be at home both on a social dance floor and on a stage. They perform eautifully.
John has toured Asia, Europe and Latin America teaching Salon Tango workshops. John won the 3rd place in the World Tango Championship 2008 in Argentina at the “Salon Tango” Category, the 6th place at the Japan Tango Open 2008 and together they represented Venezuela in the 8th World Tango Festival celebrated in Bariloche this year.

1. RSVP as "Attending" to this Friday's Lounge by clicking in the right column right here on the event FB page. Do this no later than Thursday 8pm = 24 h beforehand!
2. A neutral party will do a random number assignment and sorting, using some computer program. The result will be a list with the winner at the top.
3. Show up on Friday at the Lounge and be there when we read the winner's name! If he/she isn't there, the next name down the list will be the lucky winner.
OMG! What to wear!!
Ladies get Ragged ! Back by popular demand, Stephanie will be bringing her fabulous clothes from tangoragsnewyork.com.

Drink Special TBA but you know it will be yummy!!

Host Tine.

Drink Special