Sunday, August 30, 2009

Friday 11th: Felipe Martinez and Rosa Corisco (SF); DJ Tine; $5 Margaritas and Piña Coladas

This week please welcome Felipe Martinez and Rosa Corisco from San Francisco!
Felipe and Rosa are wildly popular teachers, performers, and social dancers. They nice up festivals around the country and abroad, and this week they will teach our upper level class at 8.30 (free with admission) and perform for you around midnight.

Host and DJ this week: Tine

Drink Special $5: your choice of Margaritas or Piña Coladas! Yummmm!!

Thank you for your support over the first month of Tango Lounge. If you have any suggestions please write to me!

Fri Sept 4: DJ Lung-Kuei; Performance Daniel Raphael and Jennifer Wesnousky

This week DJ Lung-Kuei Lin.
You know him, you love him, now come dance!

For the performance we have Daniel Raphael, the new darling of the NY scene. He just got back from Moscow where he made quite an impression partnering with the glamorous Mila Vigdorova (see youtube below). This Friday Daniel will perform with the charming Jennifer Wesnousky. Come check it out!

This week there is no upper level class but there is always an intermediate and a beginners class taught by your friendly DanceSport teachers. Bring your friends and family! At 8.30 before the milonga; included with admission.

Bar Special: $5 MARGARITAS !
The shiny new margarita machine finally arrived and it rocks! Come taste barman Germain's special recipe from the steamy lowland jungles of Mexico. Or maybe the scorching deserts of Mexico. The land of Tequila, anyways.

The bar is now managed by a new bar/catering team. There are still tapas and empanadas, and also real entrees for dinner, plus an expanded menu of interesting drinks.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Aug 28: Damian & Nelusha, DJ Tine

Special Guest Stars tonight:
Damian Thompson (Australia) & Nelusha Amaladas (NYC)
Class 8.30, included with admission
Damian Thompson and Nelusha Amaladas: "Weight changes and changes of direction"
Resident DJ Tine will play this week. She has some cool new old music!
Your host every Friday is Tine. She got a nice new outfit too.
Special $5 drink! Still sorting out which drink exactly, but it will for sure make your valses spin faster. That is the Tango Lounge Guarantee. Also, great wines, tapas.
More about our guest stars:
Damian lives, dances and teaches in Australia, and is travelling around the US this summer. He focuses on technique to foster greater connection and freedom for both leaders and followers. He was a big hit last time so he's back for another one before he moves on to the next destination in his grand tour.
Read Damian's teaching blog at
and watch him dance here:
Nelusha Amaladas lives and dances in New York. Come support her!
We have a comfortable space, with a smooth dance floor, a fabulous sound system, nice tables, and a full bar with great wines, champagne, interesting adult beverages and tapas.
Come dance!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Friday Aug 21: Ilene DJ, Victorio shoes from BA, $5 Vodka Drinks

Our guest DJ Ilene Marder from Woodstock will play first rate tango! Come support and enjoy.
Ilene DJed this year at Salon Canning and other world famous milongas in Buenos Aires. She runs the tango upstate.

Class / performance to be announced, stay tuned!

$5 on all Vodka Drinks. It's like Fortified Juice for Grownups.

Exclusive Victorio Shoes fresh from Buenos Aires available for looking at or buying!

Your host this Friday is Francesca Bertelli; Tine is playing 2 gigs in Montreal at the Tango Fling this weekend. Back next week!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Fri Aug 14: Damian Thompson (Australia) teaches Colgadas + performs with Nelusha. Perfomance by Andrea & Alice (Italy). Guest DJ Giovanni Bossi (Italy

Damian Thompson from Australia will teach the upper level class at 8.30. "Effortless Colgadas Down the Line"
Included with milonga admission of $12/10 students.

Damian Thompson (Australia) & Nelusha Amaladas (NYC)
Andrea Bassi & Alice Gaini (Milan Italy).
Guest DJ Giovanni Bossi (Italy).

More about our guest stars:
Alice & Andrea have won multiple championships at the national & regional level, and have participated in tango shows & festivals around Italy.

Giovanni Bossi (Italy) DJs in Milan and Bologna, and played at Bologna (Tangomania), Rimini (Tangofusion) and Palermo (Sicilia Tango Festival).

Hope you'll come!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Friday August 7: Cafe Talk about the Bandoneon, + DJ Tine

This Friday, join us for another great evening:
Juan Pablo Jofre Romarion will give a Cafe Talk about his instrument the bandoneon.
The 8.30pm talk is included with admission.
DJ Tine.

Coming up next week: Class and performance with Damian Thompson from Australia.

July 31 2009: Opening night with Rosa Corisco & Raphael Baron, and Guillermina Quiroga & Carlos Vera

The Tango Lounge opened on July 31 with "Stylish Sacadas"class taught by Rosa Corisco from San Francisco & Raphael Baron from Montreal.
Rosa and Raphael performed for the first time together.

Guillermina and Carlos performed for us as well.
Tine was the DJ.
Thank you for coming!