Friday, November 26, 2010

Nov 26: Dominic Bridge and Katherine Gorsuch

Join Dominic, Kat and DJ Tine at Lounge this week!

Dominic Bridge (Portland OR and Italy) will teach the upper level class at 8.30pm, and perform at midnight with Katherine Gorsuch (NYC)

More about our stars...

In four years Dominic Bridge became one of the top young tango professionals in the world. In this time, he has performed up and down the west and east coasts, Chicago Tango Week ’09, Italy, and Buenos Aires, as well as in his hometown of Portland, Oregon. Dominic has spent the last year building a tango school and teaching full time in Florence, Italy. When his weekends were free, he took trips around Europe, spending a significant amount of time in Paris, Rennes, Berlin, Bäsel, Siracusa, and Catania. Dominic views tango in the same way he views any language: there are clear structure, grammar, and rules, all of which can be broken when understood. He knows these things form a foundation necessary in communicating in one’s own way. His effectiveness as a teacher grows from his deep understanding of movement and his ability to clearly communicate.

Katherine Gorsuch's hybrid expression of tango is derived from the many dance influences in her life.
Her interest began as a child, exploring various dance forms; ballet, modern dance, and flamenco. At 18, she began dancing tango in New York City. In the last year, she was partnering Robin Thomas, and has also worked with: Adam Hoopengardner, Felipe Martinez, Henry Finkelstein, and Jay Abling.
Katherine has taught at festivals in the US and in Europe and has spent the last few months teaching in Berlin. She is also one of the founding members and organizers of the Hunter College Tango Club, established in 2006. Dancing in Europe, Buenos Aires, and across the United States has contributed to Katherine's inspirational musicality and connection. She brings a youthful energy and sweet madness to the dance floor.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nov 19: Nigel Smith and Katherine Gorsuch

This week join Nigel and Kat for a great class at 8.30pm and midnight performance!

DJ Tine

More about our stars:

Nigel Smith
Nigel was born in Montreal, grew up in Canada and the US, and lives in Paris, where he dances, teaches, DJs and sings opera. He has taught tango all over Europe, as well as in Egypt, China and Australia.

Nigel says: " Tango is a language spoken all over the world, and each dance is as unique as each conversation you will ever have.
I treat the tango as a language when I dance, and when I teach. My goal is to help dancers express themselves in a personal way. I'll help you build a vocabulary, but learning new things to say is not even half of the work. In a conversation as in tango, what we say is a response to what our partner says, and vice versa. A good conversation is an two-way exchange of interesting, funny, pertinent and surprising interactions, and listening is as important as talking. The same goes in tango! So, along with steps, there's a lot of work on listening: to the music, to each other, even to ourselves."
Katherine Gorsuch's hybrid expression of tango is derived from the many dance influences in her life. Her interest began as a child, exploring various dance forms; ballet, modern dance, and flamenco. At 18, she began dancing tango in New York City. In the last year, she was partnering Robin Thomas, and has also worked with: Adam Hoopengardner, Felipe Martinez, Henry Finkelstein, and Jay Abling.
Katherine has taught at festivals in the US and in Europe and has spent the last few months teaching in Berlin. She is also one of the founding members and organizers of the Hunter College Tango Club, established in 2006. Dancing in Europe, Buenos Aires, and across the United States has contributed to Katherine's inspirational musicality and connection. She brings a youthful energy and sweet madness to the dance floor.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nov 12: Carolina del Rivero & Donato Juarez. Class by Nigel Smith

This week, fasten your seat belts for an awesome midnight performance by the superstars Carolina del Rivero & Donato Juarez from BsAs!

Class by Nigel Smith (Paris/Montreal/US).

DJ Tine

More about our stars

Carolina del Rivero and Donato Juarez combine in their art exceptional technical and interpretive qualities, where musicality; elegance and precision intersect in a point of true originality. As teachers, Carolina and Donato enchant and inspire with their energy and passion.

Carolina del Rivero started dancing at the age of 6. She studied ballet at the world-famous Teatro Colon (the most renowned opera house in Latin America) and later modern dance on at the famous “Taller de Danza Contemporanea del Teatro San Martin”. She discovered tango in 1995, and since the year 2000 Carolina has travelled arround the world giving workshops and exhibitions. Every year since 2001, Carolinahas been on the faculty as a master teacher and dancer in the “Congreso Internacional de Tango Argentino” (C.I.T.A) -the world's largest annual tango event that takes place in Buenos Aires every March.

Applying all her artistic knowledge from other dances, she brings to tango, style and elegance, as well as a profound understanding of the technique and dynamics of the dance, and also of the woman’s role in it. She is one of the most renowned master teachers and performers in the world of Argentine Tango.

Donato Juárez is one of the most talented of the new generation of tango dancers in Argentina. Musical, elegant, precise, driven, Donato teaches tango as he dances it: with energy, passion and sensitivity. From his hometown of Mar del Plata in Argentina, he has been part of a group of enthusiastic young dancers that has continued to tirelessly explore the intricacies of this dance. He has studied with many renowned teachers who were quick to notice his impressive technical skills.

Donato has taught at international tango festivals in the United States, Iceland, Australia, New Zealand, Europe (Italy,Spain, Holland, Belgium, Greece, Switzerland, Finland), and Mexico and has performed in many theaters in Argentina. He taught and performed with Cecilia Gonzalez, in the 2006, 2007 and 2008 International Argentine Tango Congresses (CITA) in Buenos Aires.

Nigel Smith
Nigel was born in Montreal, grew up in Canada and the US, and lives in Paris, where he dances, teaches, DJs and sings opera. He has taught tango all over Europe, as well as in Egypt, China and Australia.

Nigel says: " Tango is a language spoken all over the world, and each dance is as unique as each conversation you will ever have.
I treat the tango as a language when I dance, and when I teach. My goal is to help dancers express themselves in a personal way. I'll help you build a vocabulary, but learning new things to say is not even half of the work. In a conversation as in tango, what we say is a response to what our partner says, and vice versa. A good conversation is an two-way exchange of interesting, funny, pertinent and surprising interactions, and listening is as important as talking. The same goes in tango! So, along with steps, there's a lot of work on listening: to the music, to each other, even to ourselves."

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fri Nov 5: Andres Amarilla & Meredith Klein. DJ Lung-kuei

Andres Amarilla and Meredith Klein will teach the class at 8.30pm and perform at midnight!

DJ Lung-Kuei

Jennifer Wesnousky will host Tango Lounge this week while Tine is DJing at the festival in Albuquerque NM.
Jennifer will perform with Orlando to promote their upcoming show "Mientras Tango", one night only Nov 13.

There are simultaneous classes for beginners with Paul and for intermediate with Jennifer.

More about our stars

In 1986, Andres was a bored 10-year-old sitting around his house in Villa Crespo (a neighborhood of Buenos Aires), watching TV. Although tango had existed for nearly 100 years by that point, there was practically no tango being danced in the city of Buenos Aires at that moment. As luck or fate or chance would have it, a program came on TV featuring Juan Carlos Copes (the most famous tango stage dancer of all time) dancing tango. Transfixed and fascinated, Andres sat through the program and then promptly began a program of whining and cajoling to get his mom to find him tango lessons, of which there were practically none at the moment. A year later, when the local blacksmith began teaching tango classes in a neighborhood community center, Andres's mom enrolled him, and the rest is history.

Within a year, Andres was studying tango with Gustavo Naveira, who has since become tango's most famed pedagogue. And within three years, Andres was dancing on stage in the dance company of the very same Juan Carlos Copes whom he had seen on TV just a few years before.

In the 23 years since Andres began dancing tango, the dance has been transformed from a throw-back danced quietly by several couples of grandparents in outlying Buenos Aires neighborhoods to a worldwide phenomenon enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds in hundreds of cities. Andres has had a unique vantage point on this explosion. He remembers taking the 93 bus with a group of tango students for over an hour to get from the city center to the far-flung neighborhood of Villa Urquiza in order to seek out and learn from the few die-hard milongueros (milonga-goers) who had stopped dancing tango neither during the 1950s when everyone cool started dancing rock n' roll, nor during the 1970s when the military government effectively quashed all cultural life in the city of Buenos Aires. And while Andres is recognized today as one of the foremost dancers of contemporary tango, having taught & performed in over 40 cities on 5 continents, the roots of his dancing and teaching are firmly grounded with those abuelos in Villa Urquiza.

Although Meredith always wanted to dance, she grew up in a family where playing the piano was more important, and went to a school where playing field hockey was more important. As all parents hope, the piano ended up being a life-long source of joy and fulfillment, if also of neurosis and angst. Field hockey turns out unquestionably to have been a complete waste of time.

As a result of all of these distractions, Meredith didn't start dancing until adulthood. She began studying Argentine Tango in 1999, growing increasingly involved and obsessed to the point where in 2005 she sold everything she owned in order to move to Buenos Aires, where she promptly met Andres Amarilla, fell in love, bought an apartment that likely cost less than your car, and began dancing tango professionally.

In the past 5 years, Andres & Meredith have taught and performed in over 40 cities on 5 continents in countries including Australia, Turkey, Cyprus, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, and the US. In 2008, Andres & Meredith moved to Philadelphia and established the Philadelphia Argentine Tango School, where they have already taught over 600 students.

Back in 2006, when Andres & I performed, along with a few other couples, in Gustavo Naveira's milonga in Buenos Aires, Gustavo spoke about the state of tango, saying "El tango se baile mejor dia por dia." ("Day by day, tango is being danced better.") Whether I'm in Buenos Aires at the milongas there, on tour in other cities, or here in Philadelphia, I see that happening, and that fact excites and motivates me. As a dancer, teacher and administrator of our tango school, I'm working in my small way to fulfill that statement.

While quietly going about his business, Lung-Kuei has attracted both envy and affection throughout the tango community. The men want to dance like him, and the women like to dance with him. His immersion in the tango world has been a happy success.
Lung-Kuei started studying tango in 2005 and began deejaying in 2007. Gradually he built a solid reputation as a deejay and now he’s invited to spin tunes at the most popular and best milongas and practicas in New York and festivals around the country. His choices are not strange: he just plays one good song after another, placed in sequence with sensitivity.
Lung-Kuei has zero attitude about what he does well, and always keeps a sense of humor about things, while remaining a serious milonguero, 100% dedicated to the craft, the life, and the music of tango.