Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fri Apr 29: Maria Elena Ybarra (NYC/Arg) and Dominic Bridge (Portland/Italy)

This week we have two of the country's most musical, elegant and polished dancers teaching and performing for you! Don't miss the 8.30pm class, upper level, and included with admission!

8.30 classes, included with admission:
upper level: Maria Elena Ybarra and Dominic Bridge
intermediate: Jennifer Wesnousky
beginners: Paul Pellicoro

Midnight performance
Check out this mind-boggling milonga:

DJ/host Tine

More about our stars

Portland-born Dominic Bridge has quickly joined the ranks of the top young tango professionals in the world. He has taught extensively in the US, including at the Chicago Tango Week ’09, as well as in Europe, where he worked as a full-time instructor in Florence, Italy and helped found a tango school, and performed in Danza In Fiera 2009, Italy's largest multi-dance festival. He has been invited to perform as some of the most prestigious tango venues in Buenos Aires, including TangoLab, La Catedral, and La Confiteria Ideal.

Maria was born in the province of Chaco, Argentina. With more than a decade of experience dancing and teaching tango, she has become recognized as one of the top female tango dancers in the NYC area, and has taught locally, as well as in Buenos Aires. She is noted for her attention to detail and her exquisite technique.

PS: Videos of tonight's performance

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Apr 22: Tine's b-day, Luna Palacios and Michael Nadtochi!

This week help Tine celebrate her birthday! It's on the 23rd so it starts at midnight on Friday. There will be no big to-do. Just fun times with friendly people!

Special guests: Luna Palacios and Michael Nadtochi

Upper Level Class at 8.30pm, included with admission

Performance by Luna Palacios and Michael Nadtochi about midnight

DJ /host Tine

More about our stars:

Luna Palacios
Born in Buenos Aires, Luna Palacios is an authentic young milonguera, tango dancer, who learned tango from some of the most storied figures in Buenos Aires dance halls. But she started dancing tango almost by chance.

Until 2001, Luna was a salsa and swing dancer. She had won several salsa competitions in Buenos Aires and had danced all over the country. One day, her sister Verónica took her to a milonga, where, says Luna, she immediately fell in love: the dance, the music, the magic of that atmosphere was something she had never experienced, but it was the embrace that seduced her and won over her heart.

She soon became the favourite dancing partner of several great dancers: Lucas Galera, Oliver Kolker, “Flaco” Dany Garcia,Horacio Britos (aka: PIbe Avellaneda),Carlos Copello, Aoniken Quiroga, Paulo Bidart, Jorge Pahl , and Octavio Fernandez.

She has travelled extensively to teach and perfom in Argentina and overseas, and has performed at all the major milongas in Buenos Aires: Club Sunderland, Salon Canning, La Viruta, La Baldosa, Glorias Argentinas, El Arranque, and Porteno y Bailarin.

Michael Nadtochi
Michael started dancing at the age of ten in Moscow, Russia, and ever since dance was the main focus of his life.
By the age of eighteen as a successful performer/competitor in a global ballroom dance scene, he had won the title of Russian Youth Champion in 1994 and represented his country in a World Championship held in Slovenia.Throughout his career Michael received one-on-one coaching with European and World Champions Allan Tornsberg and Vibeke Toft to ensure the best possible training. Secrets of champions produced strong foundation for teaching students and dramatic competitive results.

Traveling all over Europe (France, Germany, England, Denmark, Norway and other countries) Michael earned international recognition and with his moving to U.S. in 1998 achieved even more success (awarded “Top U.S. National Dance Couple of the Year” in 2000).

Focusing on authentic Latin and South American rhythms, Michael studied Salsa with legendary Eddie Torres and Argentine Tango with the star of “Forever Tango” Broadway Show and Tony Award Winner Carlos Gavito, and at the same time he appeared in stage performances and National TV shows and commercials (Verizon TV commercial, American Express industrial film, “The Guiding Light” TV series, “Latin Fusion” off-Broadway show, “Fania All Stars” concert).

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 15: Damian Thompson & Vanja Modzelewski

This Friday at Lounge, Damian and Vanja will teach and perform!

8.30pm upper level class: Milonguero Turns and Ferrari Rebotes in the Line of Dance
included with admission

Midnight performance

There are simultaneous classes for beginners and intermediate taught by Paul Pellicoro and Jennifer Wesnousky, respectively.

DJ & Host Tine

More about our guest stars:
Damian Thompson (from Australia) focuses on technique to foster greater connection and freedom for both leaders and followers.
Read Damian's teaching blog at
and watch him dance here:

Vanja Modzelewski is a highly experienced dancer in both - open and in close embrace. Her proficiency in the various styles of tango along with her sophisticated musicality has made her one of the better known female dancers in the US. Vanja's dance style is characterized with fluidity and sensual elegance. She has a profound knowledge of movements and partner connection and is a sought after lead who has been teaching group and private classes in tango with a partner and on her own for over 8 years. Currently Vanja is working together with Alexis Rosen. During the past years, among others, she has taught and performed with Constantin Rueger (Germany), Robin Thomas (NY), Murat Erdemsel (Washington, DC), Ney Melo (San Francisco), Hernan Brizuela (Buenos Aires), Armando Orzuza (Buenos Aires) and Junior Cervila (Buenos Aires).

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Apr 8: Cristian Correa & Manuela Rossi. DJ Ilene

This week, stars Cristian Correa and Manuela Rossi from Buenos Aires.

8.30 Upper Level Class with Crtistian and Manuela, included with admission
topic: Turns and embellishments for small spaces

Simultaneous classes for beginners by Paul and pre-interm/interm by Jennifer of DanceSport

Midnight performance by Cristian and Manuela

DJ Ilene de Woodstock

More about our stars:
Cristian comes from the province of Cordoba in Argentina were he had a long formation in Folklore first, and then Tango.
Manuela is from Buenos Aires. She has a classical formation, studying in Argentina and under a scolarship for two years in Cannes, France.
Cristian and Manuela start dancing tango together in 2008.
They are a steady couple in the show «Tango Porteño» since 2008. They perform in Tango Porteño every night when they are in Buenos Aires.
They toured in Germany and Austria with the show «Tanguera» in February 2008.
In August 2009, they participated in the «VII Campeonato Mundial de Tango», finishing in second place.
They travelled to China in May/June 2010 to perform daily in the Argentine Pavillion at the Expo Shanghai 2010 World Fair.
They participates again in the «VIII Campeonato Mundial de Tango» in August 2010, ending for the second year in a row as the runner ups.
In November 2010, Manuela starred in the new Volkswagen Polo commercial, dancing with Gaspar Godoy; for the UK.